Olly's Farm

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Artificial swarm doesn't always go according to plan

One of the hives was in swarming mode when I done an inspection, there were a few capped cells. The bees were exceptionally docile and I saw the queen and put her in a little cage then I carried out an artificial swarm. This was a Rose hive in conversion to Langstroth, the bees had only just moved up into the Langstroth box. I lifted the hive to one side, put a Langstroth floor in the position of the old hive and lifted over the box to go on top of it along with the roof.I then put the old hive back together, giving it a roof and crownbaord. I positioned it about 15 meters away but face about 90 degrees in the opposite direction. I then opened up the Langstroth hive and released the queen down into the brood box. The idea is that all the flying /forraging bees will return to the position of the old hive and start the new colony with the old queen. The remaining bees in the old hive will not have flown before as they are nurse bees and will remain behind to look after the new emerging queen and existing brood.When I came back an hour later to have a look I could see the Langstroth hive was empty but noticed a big pile of bees on the ground about 5 meters away. The queen had still swarmed but luckily she was clipped so didnt get too far. I sifted through the pile of bees and managed to find her easily with the green paint on her head. I put her in a special queen releasing cage with a small bit of fondent at the end of it and put it back into the hive between two frames.2015-05-26 15.23.21 Atfer about 15 minutes all the bees were back in the hive and concentrated around the queen cage. The logic now is that by the time the bees eat through the fondent to release the queen they will have already started to accept this as their new home.So will check them again in a day or too and see if they are still there...