The sun came out and so did the bees

The sun came out and so did the #bees πŸπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Can't believe it reached 13.9c here today and it's the highest altitude I've got beehives so I'd say the bees were flying everywhere around Dublin & Wicklow today.

From the 37 colonies at home I saw just 1 hive not very active

It's normal to have some casualties that don't make it through the winter. It's still very early days and won't know how many have made it through the winter until around March

But it's nice to see them getting out to stretch their wings and take a much needed cleansing flight πŸπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€it's also great for them to reorganise themselves and do some housekeeping

#IrishHoney #DublinHoney πŸ―🍯🍯