Soil moving and Poly-tunnel


Myself and Chris built plenty of beds today in the tunnel, moving the soil up was a nightmare as it lashed rain most of the day. The mini dumper is pretty cool to have, up until now we had been filling wheel barrows with the mini digger and wheeling them up, tough work! I borrowed this dumper from a local hire shop with the possibility of buying it if it works out. Its a 1 ton high tip mini dumper and I can bolt/weld a hitch onto the back to use it to pull the trailer and chipper around the place here.

The poly-tunnel is starting to take shape pretty quickly, we have 2 long beds that are 18 ' x 2' and then 4 beds that are 8' x 4'. There is space for another bed and a half but for now they are not needed and I quite like having the space to use for a little table and seed trays. I think I will burn off the weeds with a blowtorch and cover the sand with a good layer of chipped bark.