Veg garden got a great leap forward


We had a great day today, we really got a fantastic amount of work done. Lots more beds made and all the seedlings and small plants are ready to go into the beds.

Two large beds made today and filled with soil and compost, ready for planting potatoes.

The first bed in the poly-tunnel is ready, it got a 6 inch layer of home made compost on the bottom then covered with another 6 inches of top soil. I don't think the soil is too great but its cheap and somewhere to start, I can work on it over the winter and in the coming year hopefully it will look and be as good as Monty Don's.

All the seedlings waiting for the new beds to be made up!

Some modular tray and seed trays with beetroot, leeks and peas.

Tomatoes, parsley and celery.

A few trays of cucumber, courgette tomato and lettuce.

A few more trays of seedlings including lettuce, courgette and squash.

I sowed a tray of cosmos earlier and potted them up last week, they are nearly ready to be potted out in their final flowering position. It is a mixed variety with whites, reds and pinks.