Olly's Farm

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Ivy & bees

Bees are very busy today, it's only 10 degrees Celsius but they are fairly active. The pic shows the cluster of flowers that the ivy plant produces.

It's a very important autumn/winter foraging plant for the bees, producing copious amounts if pollen and nectar. The pollen is yellow and most returning bees today have their pollen sacs full of ivy pollen. It could continue to produce right into the middle of November if it doesn't get too cold.

I read yesterday that some people put a super/box of new foundation during the ivy flow because if it's mild enough the bees will take advantage and draw out a box in a week or so giving the beekeeper some nice freshly drawn out frames for the spring build up.

I think I'm going to try this technique, it doesn't matter if they only even draw a little it's a start and the bees will pick up the rest I  the spring. I will need to take the box back off before winter really sets I  as the hive will find it hard to maintain the heat in a big empty box.