Its pretty rough out...


It feels like the roof is going to lift off here at the moment, looking at the live weather in Dun Laoghaire its pretty hairy out there, gusting up to 60 knots or 120 kph.

Station: Dún Laoghaire Harbour

Conditions As Of: 26/12/2013 19:39
Wind Direction: SSE (161º)
Wind Speed: 35.4 kts (F: 8 )
Gust Speed: 59.1 kts (F: 11 )
Wave Height: 0.341 Metres
Swell Period: 19.5 sec.
Air Temperature: 6.7 ºC
Wind Chill: 1.9 ºC
Dew Point: 4.2 ºC
Air Pressure: 975.0 hPa
Humidity: 84 %
Rainfall: 2.0 mm
Solar Hours: 00:00 hrs:min
Solar Radiation: 0.0 W/m2
Tide: 3.966 Metres.
High Tide: (3.40m) at 05:28 hrs
Low Tide: (1.60m) at 11:03 hrs
High Tide: (3.50m) at 17:46 hrs
Low Tide: (1.30m) at 23:46 hrs
South South East
farm, generalOlly NolanComment