Pigs are back


I went down today to collect the pigs and looks like its going to be a busy weekend for me...

This is what I got back today:

  • a whole side of one pig to butcher myself
  • three full hams (4th still attached)
  • three half bellies (4th still attached)
  • one pig minus the belly & hams, butchered up into pork chops & roasts, one side boned and the other bone-in
  • all the offal, such as heart, kidneys & liver
  • trotters & tails

The butcher is keeping one side to do in bacon and some sausages.

Here is one whole side ready for me to break up into the four different cuts, remember I have never butchered a pig before...

But once its broken down into the four cuts (ham, shoulder, loin & belly) it is far more manageable...

These are three of the hams ready for the next stage... 

Some pork chops for dinner...

food, kitchen, pigs, porkOlly NolanComment